Recipe – Goji Berry and Chicken Soup

Chicken and Goji Berry Soup is a perfect tonic for the body. It has many nutritional benefits and is packed with antioxidants. The soup is very simple to make, with emphasis on the slow cooking time. Go ahead and try making it this weekend and be revitalised after drinking this healthy and tasty soup.

Serves 4

  • 400g chicken on the bone
  • 2 slices ginger
  • 4 pints chicken stock
  • 100g goji berries (fresh or dried)
  • 1 large onion
  • 12 shiitake mushrooms thinly sliced
  • Salt and pepper

goji berry chicken soup

Prepare the chicken by rinsing under cold running water for 30 seconds. Place in a large pan on a low heat and add the onions and ginger. Cook for a few minutes to seal in the flavour. There’s no need to add any oil or butter.

Next pour in the chicken stock and allow to simmer for around one and a half hours, on a low heat setting.

Pour in the goji berries and shiitake mushrooms then simmer for a further 30 mins.

Add salt to taste. This should be of a runny consistency.

For more information about Goji Berries: Click Here

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